Precentor of the Monastic Choir of the Valaam Monastery Hierodeacon German (Ryabtsev)
1 CD (colour booklet 8 pages)
1999 The Igor Matvienko Production Centre |
|  The monastic life and heroism of the spirit are likened to the way of the Cross in both sense of responsibility and difficulty. The hymns of the CD as if show the landmarks on this innermost way: the call to monastic life (Ringing of the bells), the taking of monastic vows («Open Thy fatherly embrace» and the Cherubic hymn), repentance and temperance in monastic life (Penitential verses), and the end of monastic deeds and earthly life (stanza for the burial of monks and «May your memory be eternal»).
The hymns, which resound with austerity, introduce the listener to the mystical realm of the monks" life, as their works and deeds are hidden form an outsider"s eye.
Colour booklet (8 pages) in the Russian and English languages with a short narration on the monastic life and the recorded hymns.