The Choir of St.Jonah’s Monastery of the Holy Trinity. Precentor Dmitry Bolgarsky
1 CD (colour booklet 16 pages)
1998 D. Bolgarsky 2000 The Igor Matvienko Production Centre |
|  The third part of the anthology is presented in the performance of the choir of St.Jonah"s Monastery of the Holy Trinity. The hymns are imbued with the spirit of repentance and contrition of the heart. The hymns «By the waters of Babylon» and «Open to me, O Giver of Life, the gates of repentance» are traditionally sung with great feeling during Lent. They not only dispose people to become conscious of their sinfulness, but also remind them of the all-forgiving love of God.
The hymns of the Great and Holy Week expressively and emotionally convey the meaning of the expiatory deed of Christ the Saviour, His suffering on the Cross and death on the Calvary.
Colour booklet (16 pages) in Russian and English with the description of the hymns. |