Master bell ringer Petrovsky V.M.
2006 The Igor Matvienko Production Centre |
|  The present disc presents statutory Orthodox bell ringing as performed by the master of bell ringing from Arkhangelsk V. M. Petrovsky. Immediately after the blagovest we hear the ‘ringing for greetings’, with which the Patriarch, hierarchs and other distinguished guests of the Church are met. The calm and solemn ‘everyday ringing’ is performed before weekday services and after them. The service of the Blessing of the Waters is accompanied by a repeated, quick perezvon, when each bell is struck seven times. The number seven in the Orthodox Church signifies the plenitude of the might and glory of the Lord. The joyful and cheerful pealing of bells announced the first week of Pascha: ‘Today heaven rejoices and the earth is exultant’. According to an old custom it is at this time that all people are allowed to go up the bell tower, from the smallest to the greatest, while the master bell ringers during this week show all their art. Bell ringers consider it their sacred duty to preserve and pass on to those who come afterwards the art and customs of Russian bell ringing, a gift which has been granted to them by God. |