2006 The Igor Matvienko Production Centre |
|  We are introducing our audience to the ‘Vladimir Singers’ choir from the capital of northeast Old Russia, Vladimir-on-the-Klyazma, founded by Vladimir Monomakh.
The choir believes its main aim to be the revival of the tradition of the Vladimir singing school that formed as early as the twelfth century. The ‘Vladimir Singers’ choir stands out for the way it continues the traditions of renowned Russian choirs of the past from the Court Clergy Singers and the Patriarchal Clergy Singers, presenting itself as a precise copy of these choirs in number and selection of voices and by repertoire, incorporating at its basis old monastery chants and the music of ecclesiastical common chant from the sixteenth to the twentieth centuries. The ‘Vladimir Singers’ choir is at the same time the episcopal choir of the Cathedral of the Assumption which takes part in festive worship, and the municipal choir which gives concerts of secular and religious music for Vladimir’s inhabitants and the city’s guests.
The choir has to its credit around a thousand performances. It has taken part in many festivals, including international festivals, and has been a laureate of the ‘Crystal Lyre’ All-Russian Choral Festival. The choir’s performances have been broadcast on Russian radio and television many times and have found favourable reviews in the press and a warm reception with audiences.
1. ‘O come, let us worship…’ Chant of the St.Nilus Hermitage
2. ‘By the waters of Babylon…’ V.Krupitsky
3. ‘Vouchsafe, O Lord’ Chant of the Laura of the Caves in Kiev
4. Hymn to the Mother of God ‘The Prophet David who, through thee, was the forefather of God…’ Znamenny chant Tone four
5. ‘O Gladsome Light…’ Valaam chant
6. Paschal stanza ‘Thy Resurrection, Christ the Saviour…’
Paschal troparion ‘Christ is risen from the dead…’ Tone six
7. ‘Bless, the Lord, O my soul!’ M.Ippolitov-Ivanov
8. ‘O Only-begotten Son…’ A.Grechaninov
9. The Lord’s Prayer N.Kedrov
10. ‘Make a joyful noise to God…’ A.Grechaninov
11. ‘Beneath thy mercy…’ Greek chant
12. ‘Oh, Land of Russia…’
Stanza to All the Saints who Shone Forth in the Land of Russia Archimandrite Matthew (Mormyl)
13. ‘It is truly meet…’ by Tsar Theodore
14. ‘We praise Thee, O God…’ D.Bortnyansky
15. The Great Doxology Znamenny chant
16. ‘Open to me Thy Fatherly embrace…’
Chant of the Laura of the Holy Trinity and St.Sergius
17. ‘Hail, O Virgin Mother of God!’ Deacon S.Trubachev
18. Prayer for the salvation of Russia
Stanza ‘We venerate Thee, O Unfading Light…’ Znamenny chant Tone five
Troparion to the Elevation of the Precious and Life-Giving Cross
‘O Lord, save Thy people…’ Tone one
Troparion to the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God
‘Today the most glorious city of Vladimir glows with beauty…’ V.Zavazalsky
Soloists: V.Gretsky, Yu.Soloviev, V.Antipov (‘By the waters of Babylon…’)
Recorded in the St.Nicholas Church in the Vladimir Kremlin
and in the Vladimir Cathedral of the Assumption of the Mother of God