RECIEVE ME O WILDERNESS Hierodeacon German Ryabtsev Prayer Canon with Akathist to the Venerable Fathers of the Caves in Kiev Monastic Choir of the Holy Assumption Laura of the Caves in Kiev MY SOUL RISE UP! THE ‘SVETILEN’ Ensemble of Folk and Religious Music Pray for your concelebrants The choir of the church of st Nicholas in Tallinn TODAY IS THE BEGINNING OF OUR SALVATION O PEOPLE ALL-NIGHT VIGIL FOR THE FEAST OF THE NATIVITY OF THE MOTHER OF GOD The choir of the Sanaksar monastery of the Nativity of the Mother of God Today salvation has come to the world Selected hymns of the Russian Orthodox church th-th cc THE ‘AKATHIST’ MALE CHAMBER CHOIR FROM THE SUNRISE TO SUNSETDIVINE LITURGY The Monastic Choir of the Holy Assumption Laura of the Caves in Kiev FOLK SONGS AND ROMANCES The Choir Of The Don Cossacks conducted by S Zharov THE SATURDAY OF THE DEAD Hierodeacon German Ryabtsev Православие песнопения Музыкальный mp3-архив Осмогласие образцы тропарного, стихирного, прокимнового и
RECIEVE ME O WILDERNESS Hierodeacon German Ryabtsev Prayer Canon with Akathist to the Venerable Fathers of the Caves in Kiev Monastic Choir of the Holy Assumption Laura of the Caves in Kiev MY SOUL RISE UP! THE ‘SVETILEN’ Ensemble of Folk and Religious Music Pray for your concelebrants The choir of the church of st Nicholas in Tallinn TODAY IS THE BEGINNING OF OUR SALVATION O PEOPLE ALL-NIGHT VIGIL FOR THE FEAST OF THE NATIVITY OF THE MOTHER OF GOD The choir of the Sanaksar monastery of the Nativity of the Mother of God Today salvation has come to the world Selected hymns of the Russian Orthodox church th-th cc THE ‘AKATHIST’ MALE CHAMBER CHOIR FROM THE SUNRISE TO SUNSETDIVINE LITURGY The Monastic Choir of the Holy Assumption Laura of the Caves in Kiev FOLK SONGS AND ROMANCES The Choir Of The Don Cossacks conducted by S Zharov THE SATURDAY OF THE DEAD Hierodeacon German Ryabtsev Православие песнопения Музыкальный mp3-архив Осмогласие образцы тропарного, стихирного, прокимнового и
Православие песнопения, Духовные песнопения, акафисты, службы и молитвы на кассетах, CD, DVD и VHS. Записи хора Валаамского монастыря, иеродиакона Германа, хора Троице-Сергиевой Лавры, хора Данилова монастыря, хоров Киево-Печерской Лавры и других хоров, Патриаршии богослужения. RECIEVE ME, O WILDERNESS Hierodeacon German (Ryabtsev) Prayer Canon